Intermediate Weight Training

Home Workouts

Muscle Group Workout How to Do Best Position for Focus External Cue
Chest Weighted Dips Lower yourself slowly, keeping elbows tucked in. Explode up, extending elbows fully. Position Focus on chest and triceps. Lower yourself slowly and explode up as if pushing the world away.
Back Pull-Up Variations Hang from bar with arms extended. Pull body up until chin reaches or clears bar. Position Focus between shoulder blades. Pull up explosively, squeezing shoulder blades together at the top.
Bodyweight Rows Lie under bar or rings, grab with overhand grip. Pull chest towards bar or rings. Position Focus on mid-back and lats. Pull your body towards the bar or rings, focusing on back contraction.
Shoulders Pike Push-Ups Start in downward dog position, lower head towards floor by bending arms. Position Focus on shoulders and upper chest. Push up with your hips high, targeting shoulder muscles.
Handstand Push-Ups Kick up into handstand against wall. Lower head towards floor, press back up. Position Focus on deltoids and upper chest. Lower and raise your body, engaging shoulders fully.
Legs Pistol Squats Stand on one leg, lower body by bending knee, extend back up. Position Focus on quadriceps and glutes. Descend slowly and powerfully drive up through one leg.
Bulgarian Split Squats Stand one leg in front of bench, lower back knee towards floor, push back up. Position Focus on quadriceps and glutes. Lower down and push through your front heel, engaging glutes fully.
Arms Diamond Push-Ups Start in plank position, hands close together under chest. Lower and press body up. Position Focus on triceps and chest. Push up focusing on tricep contraction at the top.
Archer Push-Ups Start in plank position, hands wider than shoulders. Lower chest towards one hand, push back up. Position Focus on chest and triceps. Alternate between sides, focusing on chest and arm engagement.

Gym Workouts

Muscle Group Workout How to Do Best Position for Focus External Cue
Chest Incline Barbell Bench Press Lie on incline bench, grip barbell wider than shoulders. Lower bar to chest, press up. Position Focus on upper chest and shoulders. Push the bar explosively, focusing on chest contraction at the top.
Back T-Bar Rows Stand over T-bar, grip handles. Pull bar towards waist, retracting shoulder blades. Position Focus on mid-back and lats. Pull the bar towards your waist, focusing on a strong back contraction.
Lat Pulldowns Sit at lat pulldown machine, grip bar wider than shoulders. Pull bar down to chest. Position Focus on upper back and lats. Pull the bar down to chest level, squeezing shoulder blades together.
Shoulders Military Press Stand with barbell or dumbbells at shoulder height. Press weight overhead, lower to shoulders. Position Focus on shoulder muscles. Push the weight overhead with controlled force.
Arnold Press Sit or stand with dumbbells at shoulder height. Rotate dumbbells as you press them up. Position Focus on deltoids and upper chest. Rotate the dumbbells as you press them up, engaging shoulders fully.
Legs Barbell Squats Stand with barbell on shoulders, feet shoulder-width apart. Squat down, push up through heels. Position Focus on quadriceps and glutes. Descend slowly and powerfully drive up through your heels.
Romanian Deadlifts Stand with barbell in front, feet hip-width apart. Hinge at hips, lower bar towards shins, stand up. Position Focus on hamstrings and glutes. Hinge at hips and push hips forward at top, engaging glutes fully.
Arms Close-Grip Bench Press Lie on bench, grip barbell with hands shoulder-width apart. Lower bar to chest, press up. Position Focus on triceps and chest. Push the bar up focusing on tricep contraction at the top.
Preacher Curls Sit at preacher curl bench, grip barbell or dumbbell. Curl weight up, lower down. Position Focus on biceps. Curl the weight focusing on a full contraction of biceps.